Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How To Write A Good CV?

How To Write A Good Cv

By: CV Phoenix

This article describes how to write a good CV, regarding the philosophy of how to approach creating the CV and tips on what to include and how to communicate it.

A CV is a sales document; it conveys succinctly the information of what you are looking for and why. Why you are qualified for such work and a story as to how you got to this point, covering your previous work experience, education, qualifications and interests.

I believe a CV should be a succinct story backing up a tag line about yourself. Often in interviews the main asked of the candidate is:

"Tell me about yourself"

This answer and the CV to back it up should be made as succinct, clear and relevant as possible to the position sought.

Obviously life is not as clear and simple as this and many of us have a complicated and confusing history in regards to work experience, education and life story, but effort should be made to make this as clear as possible in interview and on the CV. To present only the relevant facts to sell you most effectively for the post in which you are applying.


The profile should be a short sentence stating clearly:

  • What work you are looking for

  • What you have to offer (why you are qualified)

I believe in starting the CV with a profile. This explains to the employer or recruiter what you are looking for and summarises all of the attributes that can be found in detail on the rest of your CV.

The recruiter will know what they are looking for and if your profile states this in summary then you are making their job a lot easier and they are more likely to put you in the "yes" pile, as they quickly check a large volume of CVs.

Remember the recruiter is human too, think how frustrating it is when you look at a website that is not clear and it is hard to find the information you need quickly. Now think of the recruiter who has to look through a large volume of CVs for any advertised positions, if they have to look at a large number and it takes too long for them to find the information they need from your CV they may not take the time to do so.

Work Experience

Work experience should come directly after the profile in reverse chronological order.

The first thing a recruiter or prospective employer will look at is the last job you have had and if you had the relevant experience or achieved something relevant to the job you are applying for in previous roles.

Do them and yourself a favour and put this experience where they can find it easily. I.e. your most recent job at the top and your previous roles below this.

There will always be gaps and times when you worked for a short time, temping, travelling etc. It is your call as to how to include these but remember your story needs to be made as clear as possible, so if you worked somewhere for a short time then make the story relevant as to why or consider omitting some jobs altogether. Maybe include one line with the dates and mention what happened, e.g. temping role, or went travelling between these dates etc. This answers the question quicker than leaving gaps and having to explain them in interview.


Education should be also in reverse chronological order.

Other Qualifications

If you have attended any training courses or have industrial qualifications they should be entered here. Remember this is a sales document – list everything you have done here – sell yourself!


Qualify your hobbies and interests. Do not mention generic things such as ‘I like to go running' without qualifying it as to what has been achieved. For example, it would be better to say: "I am part of the Harriers running club" - or "I recently completed the Great North Run"

Good luck!


About the Author offers and effective and affordable personalised CV improvement/creation service.

I offer a one to one CV writing service, via email and phone, for an affordable one off upfront payment.

Based on my experience and your needs; your CV will be specifically designed for your goals and market, to get you the job you want. The CV will be effective and "recruitment friendly" to help you get that interview!

(ArticlesBase SC #1955143)

Article Source: - How To Write A Good Cv

Sample Resume Objective

Sample Resume Objective

By: Mario Churchill

When creating a resume, one of the most important aspects is the resume objective. Employers get hundreds of resumes whenever they place an add for a job and unless you put down your employment objective in your resume, the document that you worked so hard to produce may end up by the wayside.

There are many different sample resume objective forms that you can use,. The resume objective is simply what you wish to accomplish by sending the company your resume. In most cases, the objective is to get a certain job. This should be clearly stated on your resume.

A sample resume objective for someone who wishes to become a paralegal, for example, can include a heading stating Employment Objective and under this heading should be the type of paralegal position which you are seeking. If you are seeking to be a commercial real estate paralegal, for example, this should be stated at this point.

Another sample resume objective would be for someone who is seeking a position as receptionist. Again, the Employment Objective would be listed as receptionist.

Suppose, however, that the person who seeks to be a receptionist is also going to school for a paralegal degree. He or she may be qualified now to be a receptionist, but upon completion of their studies, will want to seek employment as a paralegal. If this person is applying for a job at a law office, in addition to the sample resume objective there should also be a career objective stated. This could read something like this:

Although I am seeking the position of receptionist, I am currently enrolled in xxx college and expect to complete my paralegal studies in xxx. My career objective is to become a paralegal.

This will let the prospective employer know that in addition to getting a receptionist, he or she may also be able to get a qualified paralegal who will have knowledge of the law firm and can remain in the employ of the law firm for years to come. This may make the candidate a bit more desirable as it costs employers thousands of dollars to train new employees.

A good sample resume objective can be found within many different software programs that assist someone in creating a resume. The wording is all there, you just need to fill in the proper information. It is essential, however, that you put down an objective in your resume. It not only denotes professionalism, but lessens the confusion on the behalf of the employer.

Employment objectives and career objectives are two different headings on most resumes. An employment objective refers to the job for which one is immediately applying., A person just out of law school may apply for a job as an associate in a law firm. This is an employment objective. A career objective for the same person, however, would probably be partner in the law firm.

Many people are hesitant about putting down career objectives on their resumes. It makes them feel foolish as if they are shooting for the stars. Nothing can be further from the truth. Most employees want to hire people with some sort of ambition. It is not foolish to say that you want to be partner of a law firm when you are an attorney, it is more foolish to say that you are content with staying an associate and never moving up the ladder.

It is important, therefore, to put employment objectives as well as career objectives, where appropriate, on your resume. If you are going to school to become a nurse and have applied for a job as a secretary, it is not necessary to put your nursing career objective on your resume as this may cost you the job. A career objective should only be included on a resume if it adds to the employment opportunity which you are seeking.

To find a good sample resume objective, take a look at some of the resume building tools online or in some resume building software. All of the information that you need to find a good sample resume objective can be right at your fingertips. Remember to be honest in what you are hoping to achieve. You do not have to get too wordy, either. A good sample resume objective can be as simple as saying that you want to be a receptionist.

About the Author

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on resume distribution or a job finder service checkout his recommended websites.

(ArticlesBase SC #294054)

Article Source: - Sample Resume Objective